Algerian Plaited Stitch

Alternating Cross Stitch

Alternating Scotch Stitch

Arrowhead Cross Stitch (See Two-Sided Italian Cross Stitch)

Bazaar Stitch

Binding Stitch

Bokhara Couching Stitch

Bokhara Couching Stitch (Diagonal)

Bokhara Couching Stitch (Staggered)

Bound Cross Stitch 

Brazilian Stitch

Cross Stitch

Cross Stitch (Half) - See Tent Stitch

Cross Stitch (Heavy)

Cross Corners Stitch (See Rice Stitch)

Crossed Mosaic Stitch

Crossed Plait Stitch (See Mexican Cross Stitch)

Crossed Scotch Stitch

Czar Stitch

Diagonal Cross Stitch

Diagonal Fishbone Stitch

Double Cross Stitch (AKA Reversed Cross Stitch)

Double Straight Cross Stitch

Economic Stitch (See Czar Stitch)

Fern Stitch

Fishbone Stitch

Greek Stitch

Herringbone Stitch

Herringbone Couching Stitch (See Couching Stitch)

Herringbone Gone Wrong Stitch

Hobnail Stitch

Houndstooth Cross Stitch 

Italian Cross Stitch (See Two-Sided Italian Cross Stitch)

Ladder Stitch

Leviathon Stitch (AKA Smyrna Cross Stitch)

Long and Short Oblique Stitch (See Fishbone Stitch)

Long Armed Corner Cross Stitch

Long Armed Cross Stitch

Long Armed Reverse Cross Stitch (See Greek Stitch)

Long Legged Cross Stitch (See Long Armed Cross Stitch)

Mexican Cross Stitch

Montenegrin Cross Stitch

Oblong Cross Stitch

Padded Rice Stitch

Padded Satin Stitch

Paris Stitch (See Tie Stitch)

Perspective Stitch

Plait Stitch

Plaited Gobelin Stitch

Plaited Slav Stitch (See Long Armed Cross Stitch)

Portuguese Cross Stitch (See Long Armed Cross Stitch)

Raised Cross Stitch

Reinforced Cross Stitch

Reversed Double Cross Stitch

Rice Stitch

Roman Stitch (See Roumanian Stitch)

Roumanian Stitch

Six Step Herringbone Stitch (See Bazaar Stitch)

Smyrna Stitch - (See Leviathan Stitch)

Spanish Stitch (See Plait Stitch)

Sprats Head Stitch

Square Plait Stitch (See Woven Band Stitch)

St. Andrew Cross Stitch (See Double Cross Stitch)

St. George Cross Stitch (See Double Cross Stitch)

Staggered Cross Stitch

Tie Stitch

Trame' Cross Stitch

Triple Cross Stitch

Triple Leviathon Stitch 

Tvistom Stitch(See Long-Armed Cross Stitch)

Two Side Cross Stitch

Two-Sided Italian Cross Stitch

Upright Cross Stitch

Van Dyke Stitch

Waffle Stitch

Web Stitch

William and Mary Stitch (See Rice Stitch)

Woven Band Stitch

Woven Cross Stitch

Woven Scotch Stitch
Crossed Stitches are a principal stitch used in needlepoint tapestry. They are exactly what the name implies - stitches that are created 
by crossing the threads over each other. The size of the crossed stitch can vary, depending on the thickness of the thread and the gauge of the canvas. It is important, however, to make sure that each crossed stitch covers the canvas. These stitches are worked on double canvas. To learn the basics of each stitch, choose a stitch from the list below and click on the link...
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)
The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)

An encyclopedia of needlepoint Stitches...

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Alternating Scotch Stitch - Diagram 2

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Binding Stitch Diagram 3
Bokhara Couching Stitch - Diagram 2
Bkhara Couching Stitch: Diagonal Variation - Diagram 3
Bokhara Couching Stitch - Staggered Diagram 4
Bpimd Crpss Stitch - Diagram 3
Brazilian Stitch - Diagram 2
Cross Stitch Diagram - Horizontal Method
Heavy Cross Stitch - Diagram 2
Crossed Mosaic Stitch - Diagram 3
Crossed Scotch Stitch - Diagram 2
Czar Stitch - Diagram 3
Diagonal Cross Stitch - Diagram 4
Diagonal Fishbone Stitch - Diagram 2
Double Cross Stitch Diagram 2
Double Straight Cross Stitch Diagram 3
Fern Stitch Diagram 2
Fishbone Stitch Diagram 3
Greek Stitch Diagram 3
Herringbone Stitch Diagram 2
Houndstooth Cross Stitch - Diagram 2
Ladder Stitch - Diagram 3
Leviathan Stitch Diagram 3
Long Armed Cross Stitch Diagram 2
Montenegrin Cross Stitch Diagram 1
Oblong Cross Stitch Diagram 1
Padded Rice Stitch - Diagram 3
Padded Satin Stitch - Diagram 1
Perspective Stitch Diagram 2
Plait Stitch Diagram 2
Plaited Gobelin Stitch Diagram 3
Raised Cross Stitch Diagram 3
Reinforced Cross Stitch - Diagram 3
Rice Stitch Diagram 3
Roumanian Stitch - Diagram 3
Staggered Cross Stitch - Diagram 3
Tie Stitch - Diagram 3
Trame' - Diagram 2
Triple Cross Stitch - Diagram 3
Double Leviathan Stitch (Variation) Diagram 4
Two-Sided Cross Stitch - Diagram 2
Two-Sided Italian Cross Stitch Diagram 3
Van Dyke Stitch Diagram 3
Waffle Stitch Diagram 4
Web Stitch Diagram 5
Woven Band Stitch - Diagram 2
Woven Cross Stitch Variation 1 - Diagram 2
Woven Scotch Stitch - Diagram 2

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*Stitch Index* 

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